NDCH is committed to helping tertiary students in their career growth. Placements at NDCH not only fulfill requirements but also provide students with a unique perspective of all aspects of health in a rural setting.

NDCH takes a number of Work Experience students each year from the secondary schools in our area, with a goal of providing a chance to learn about all employment opportunities in health.

Apply for a Student Placement

NDCH gets a lot of requests for student placements. We look at each application to see if we can give the student a good experience that matches what they need to learn, if we have enough resources to make it valuable for them, and if our staff has the time to help.

​If you want more information on our Student Placement Program either:

  • Call (03) 5451 0200
  • Download the Student Placement form HERE and;
    • Mail it to: Northern District Community Health, 24 Fitzroy Street, KERANG 3579 or;
    • Email it to: [email protected]

Feedback from Past Students