NDCH runs programs for young people including live music events, social activities and workshops, in a drug, alcohol and smoke free setting. We also run training for youth to learn new skills and become future leaders.

FReeZA (Loddon, Gannawarra)
The Victorian Government’s FReeZA program is a youth development program that gives opportunities for young Victorians aged 12-25 across metropolitan, regional and rural Victoria to enjoy live music, and cultural, recreational and artistic events that are drug, alcohol and smoke-free in supervised and safe venues.

Committee members aged 12-25 years make decisions and lead in the staging of events, whilst broadening networks within our community and undertaking training, development and reward opportunities.
Please contact [email protected] to enquire.

ENGAGE (Buloke, Loddon, Gannawarra)
The Engage Program provides training and learning opportunities for youth. This includes funded training such as RSA or First Aid Training and training opportunities on leadership or teamwork. We also produce the magazine and podcast for local youth, “Flipside”.

Summerwave (Kerang)
Our annual music festival which begun in 2021 in our biggest yearly event. We have hosted a variety of artists throughout the years.
For the most up to date information head to www.summerwave.com.au or @summerwavemusicfestival on Instagram

BLG Youth Awards 
Annually we host a youth awards night in November for youth aged 12-25 in Buloke, Loddon and Gannawarra Shires.
For more information about this year’s Youth Awards Night contact [email protected]


Anyone aged 12-25 who lives, works, plays or goes to school in Gannawarra, Loddon or Buloke Shires are eligible to be involved in our programs.