Our nurses can help people live with alcohol or other drug addiction and want to cut down or stop their use. They can also help the families of people with these issues.

We offer:

  • personal support
  • strategies for change
  • someone to trust
  • hope for a positive future

We can help people with:

  • a review of current drug use, support and goals
  • at home programs – finding a doctor support and drug therapy
  • finding a “live in” withdrawal or rehabilitation service
  • finding local support for family members
  • finding support services for issues with housing, money and mental health


Service Availability

​The Gannawarra, Northern Loddon & Buloke Shire Councils.  Please contact the team for specific areas that we cover.

How do I access the services?

You can contact our customer engagement team on 03 – 5451 0200.
Health Professionals and other agencies can use our referral template available in the resources section of this website