Our Counsellors are professional, qualified and highly skilled, bringing a depth of knowledge and experience to their work.

Our Counselling services include:

Generalist Counselling (Aged 18+)

We offer person centered counselling for individuals.

We can:

  • help with different problems across a person’s life
  • give you the chance to talk to someone who can support you
  • help you to learn skills to improve your health and wellbeing

Alcohol and Other Drugs Counselling (Aged 12+)
We offer counselling for people with alcohol and other drug problems.

We can:

  • give you someone to talk to
  • support you with problems in your life
  • teach skills to improve your health and wellbeing
  • reduce harm from alcohol and other drugs
  • develop goals for reducing or stopping use

What area do we cover:

Generalist Counselling

  • Gannawarra
  • Pyramid Hill

Alcohol & Other Drugs Counselling

  • Gannawarra
  • Buloke
  • Pyramid Hill & Boort

How do I access the services?

You can contact our customer engagement team on 03 – 5451 0200.
Health Professionals and other agencies can use our referral form located on the Referral Page.

What is the cost?

This service is fully subsidised. No charge applies.