NDCH welcomed Penny as its Chief Executive Officer in May 2024. Prior to that time, Penny held executive roles in the Health Sector for more than 10 years where she was Executive Director for the COVID-19 Positive Pathways Program at the Department of Health, and Director of Commissioning for Murray PHN. In both roles, what mattered most was timely access to quality health services and supports close to home. She brings these lessons and insights to Northern District Community Health and is committed to improving timely access to healthcare for people and communities across the local government areas of Buloke, Loddon, Gannawarra and Swan Hill.
Staying true to her commitment to rural Victoria and not for profit services, Penny has held a number of Board positions across the NFP sector and is currently a Board Director for Women’s Health Loddon Mallee. Penny holds a Bachelor of Arts, Post Graduate of Business Management and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.